
Regenerative farming practices

Growing food
as medicine

‘’Takovo Berry’’ is a cooperative which specializes in growing northern highbush American blueberries


Our approach

Regenerative agriculture or Biological Farming

Since more and more consumers are concerned about clean air, clean water, and clean food and want to buy organic food, more and more producers are switching to organic production. We can freely say that organic production has become a ‘’cliche’’, so many farmers in the world are starting to talk more about regenerative agriculture, but what does that mean?


We grow plants in a

Mountains of Western Serbia

safe and healthy

Free from pesticides

we are the pioneers

Of growing Blueberries


Takovo Berry Services

What We’re Offering

Set up new plantations

We offer the future subcontractors our many years of experience in developing a plan and project...

Obtaining subsidies

In our team, we have a person with over 15 years of experience in developing projects and...

Pruning of Plants

One of the most important agrotechnical measures. It can immensely affect the quality and quantity...

Wood chips machine

We have a mobile machine for making mulch chips, so we provide our subcontractors with...

The cooperative currently has a 20h of blueberry plants.

TAkovo Berry News

Latest News

Sunset Valley Organics Villamet Valley, Oregon tour

One of the pioneers of organic farming in the northwest of the American continent. We visited a 1973 plantation that…

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‘’Fall Creek Farm and Nursery’’ Oregon tour

A visit to one of the nurseries that have laid modern foundations in the reproduction and formation of new varieties…

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