
Placement of bluberries

  • Placement of blueberries on the EU market, as well as the Middle East market


  • Development of a plan and program of nutrition and protection adapted to the cultivation technology, soil type, water quality, assortment, site of plantations.
  • Regular visits to plantations in all phenophases.
  • Inspection and training for a properly organized harvest

Set up new plantations

We offer the future subcontractors our many years of experience in developing a plan and project for starting plantations, as well as the supply of planting and repro material.

Pruning of Blueberry Plants

One of the most important agrotechnical measures. It can immensely affect the quality and quantity of blueberry fruit, as well as on the proper formation of the habitus of blueberry bushes.
We emphasize the importance of pruning when planting, as well as corrective summer, green

We gained our knowledge regarding blueberry pruning primarily through experience in our plantations, as well as visiting various conferences and pruning days organized by European and
world nurseries.

Mulch - wood chips making machine

We have a mobile machine for making mulch chips, so we provide our subcontractors with
service directly in their farms, thus reducing the cost of transport – unloading.

Professional assistance in obtaining subsidies

In our team we have a person with over 15 years of experience in developing projects and business plans for applying and receiving subsidies from various funds.